There are so many things wrong with this. Is this supposed to be motivational? Is it supposed to make you feel better about yourself, your life, your current situation? This would assume that there is some per-determined plan for your life. If there is free will, and you choose to be with people that do not hurt you, does that change who you were meant to be? Does "God" explode because you are not the person "God" meant you to be?
Then there is this one---
Lets you hit rock bottom???? What kind of "God" sits at the bottom and waits for you to get there? How does he choose who gets there and who doesnt?, or even who gets to fall? Is this encouraging hitting rock bottom to get to discover "God"?
What about free will again? Is free will just a cop out for all the religions to explain the inconsistencies within their teachings? What if you decide NOT to hit rock bottom because of free will---does that mean that you dont get to meet "God"? But if you did hit rock bottom you would? this supposed to make ppl feel better? And if I put my nose to the grindstone, behave like a good little girl, and do what I am supposed to do, why dont I get to meet "God" ? Why doesn he care about me as much as he cares about someone that hits rock bottom? Why are we rewarding bad behavior with the ultimate human experience---meeting "God"?
Should I throw everything away and blame it on hitting rock bottom to be able to "discover God"? No? Well why???? I want to be treated special too....I think I am special enough to meet the powers that be.......why does there have to be something wrong with me to get what others get, so I dont have to work so hard---to get nothing!!!!
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