Monday, April 8, 2013

Wire Fence Chandelier

 I set out to make a wire fence chandelier.....above is the finished (almost) product.  I have to figure out how to hang it and what to use for the lights

 So I had this fencing laying around.......

 And I like to make things I can use to decorate my yard.   I saw one on pinterest, and thought it would be nicer with the rounded edge on both sides.  

 So I started creating hard can it be.    I took some of the fencing and made a circle that I thought would be a nice size for my chandelier.  I cut another piece to match the first length.  I dont know how long it is, and each one should be cut to the size the person wants, so I didnt add any lengths here.
 I was going to add either candle holders or tea lights, so I used these for size guides.
 NOTE:  I tried to fit them AFTER i completed the chandelier, so I am saving your life here....LOLOLOL.

 There was not enough wire to wrap around either piece...and it was held up by pressure,  a good stiff wind would bring them down---not good. 

So I decided to make hooks out of each of the wires instead.  But you have to construct it first.
 Bend all the wires, on the end that is supposed to go into the ground, 90 degrees. And lay them out like the picture above.

Then overlap them like this:

 So they look like the original fence but with the "lace" on the top and bottom and the hooks in the middle

 I used 8 zip ties to hold it all together.  Important step before trying to connect the 2 ends to make it round.  It makes it more solid.  If you only use one layer, you dont need the zip ties at all.  I cut the ends off, one of them ran along the wire and I could have left it there, but you dont know what color it will end up after being out in the weather for a while.

 I cut them like this because I thought it would be easier to match.  Not so.  You can make them match no matter how you cut them.  This way caused more twisting than needed if I had cut them straight down the middle.

I also tried to match up the 2 ends and then bend.  That did not go as well as planned either.  but if you make these hooks, it will be much easier.  The hook will hold it in place while you twist everything in place.  I simply had to close the hooks and was pretty well attached.  It was more square than I hoped for, but a little manipulation of the wire and it became round.

 I tried adding lights.  Without the flash, you could REALLY see the green wire on the white fencing.  I am going to make a green one and add lights.  This one will be strictly candles. 

 And it is done.  From the hooks I think I will make some really small mason jars hang from the hooks....and if I can find some white wire lights to string on it as well.

 I want to figure out how to hang this candle holder and maybe just hang something else from the hooks.
 Any Ideas????

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